Handling Claim Conflicts: Excel Adjusters Guide
The claimant was a professionally operated dry cleaner located in an intersection of a large and small street. The building had large glass walls.
Couple of weeks ago, a young driver lost control and crashed into the dry cleaner. The glass wall on the small street was completely destroyed and the door and the outer wall on the main street were damaged as well. Broken glass pieces scattered everywhere and had to be cleaned even after 2 weeks after the accident.
The dry cleaner made temporary repairs with plywood and continued its business. However, even after a month, neither the insurance company from the driver, landlord nor the dry cleaner assumed responsibility for the accident. The bigger problem was that the dry cleaner was located in a wealthy area and the temporary repair was damaging its reputation and image. Dry cleaner owner was frustrated because progress was too slow and the landlord was not cooperative.
Since the damage was done to the property itself, the landlord could have processed the claim through its own property insurance. However, the property owner seemed to worry that filing a claim would increase its insurance premium.
It is true that most landlords don’t want to file their own insurance claim when tenants have their own insurance policies. This is because they’re worried about insurance costs increasing. However, insurance cost rarely increases if it is due to an accident caused by a third party.
In cases like this, it is best if a public adjuster represents both the landlord and the dry cleaner because the driver’s car insurance should pay either the landlord or the dry cleaner to repair damage. A public adjuster can protect the rights of both the landlord and the dry cleaner while getting the best result possible.
Insurance companies will not take proactive action unless there is a claimant. This could cause friction between the landlord and the business owner and repair and compensation can get personal.
Jung Park, PA
Excel Public Adjuster