Dealing with a marijuana insurance claim in San Bernardino can be a major issue for landlords. Unfortunately, this situation is more common than people think – tenants frequently use rental properties for marijuana cultivation. From repairing the current structure of the home to being required to report damage to the state and get THC testing conducted, the costs can be enormous.

At Excel Adjusters, our sole focus is on serving you, the policyholder. Regardless of the nature of vandalism or the cause of damage, our objective remains constant: to ensure you receive the maximum settlement amount owed under your homeowner insurance policy. We’re dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process and ensuring your claims are promptly filed.

Types of Vandalism and Damage Caused By Marijuana Growers

Damage inflicted by growers on your property in San Bernardino can lead to repairs worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Regrettably, rental properties are attractive to tenants for marijuana cultivation due to its lower costs compared to using commercial buildings. Moreover, it's easier for them to operate clandestinely and sell outside California. Furthermore, marijuana cultivation necessitates high levels of light and water, both of which can cause substantial problems. Examples of vandalism and damage include:

Damage Caused By Marijuana Growers
  • Growers modify homes to maximize light for plants, puncturing walls and ceilings.
  • Soil loaded with fertilizers and chemicals covers floors and carpets.
  • Equipment is affixed to floorboards and carpet.
  • Water seeps, fostering mold in concealed spaces.
  • Window frames shatter, ceiling fans wrecked, blinds charred by heat, and windows obstructed.
  • Cabinets vandalized, tracks included.
  • Contaminated Insulation and air filters.
  • Plumbing infused with hazardous substances.
  • Foul odors permeate every room, every surface affected.
  • And numerous other damages occur.

At Excel Adjusters, we're here to support your insurance claim in San Bernardino and ensure you receive the maximum settlement you deserve.

Get help with your vandalism insurance claim.

Additional Types of Vandalism That Can Occur

Marijuana grow operations aren't the sole threat to your rental property in San Bernardino. Damages may also arise from:

  • Meth labs, leading to structural and chemical harm to your residence
  • Spray paint or other markings on exterior walls or interior surfaces
  • Intentional damage to windows, including shattered or cracked panes
  • Forced entry or deliberate harm to doors, such as scratches, dents, or breakage
  • Purposeful destruction of personal belongings, furniture, or property within the premises
  • Vandalism affecting electrical systems, plumbing, heating, or cooling systems maliciously
  • Ruination or defacement of landscaping, gardens, or outdoor structures like sheds or gazebos
  • Arson or the deliberate setting of fires causing harm to the home or property
  • And additional threats.
Possible Exclusions On Your Homeowner Policy

Possible Exclusions On Your Homeowner Policy

Some types of vandalism claims may not be covered by a homeowners insurance policy. Here are some common exclusions. It's crucial to carefully review the terms and conditions of your policy to discern what vandalism-related damages are covered and which are excluded. Insurance policies can differ greatly between insurers.

  • Vandalism to properties that have been vacant for a specified period, usually 30 or more consecutive days
  • Damage resulting from the gradual deterioration of the property over time
  • Neglect of maintenance leading to issues with the rental property
  • Intentional damage caused by the policyholder or residents of the home
  • And additional exclusions.

Our team in San Bernardino is here to assist you in comprehending what is and isn't covered by your current homeowner policy.

How We Can Help

Our foremost objective is to ensure that the insurance company fulfills its obligation to adequately compensate for the damage inflicted on your rental property. We follow several essential steps to have your home inspected and evaluated for overall damage, along with any repair recommendations.

From identifying items requiring replacement or cleaning and deodorization to offering technical suggestions such as inspecting air filters and ducts, we adopt a thorough top-to-bottom approach, starting from the attic down. When your property falls victim to vandalism from a marijuana grow operation or other sources, we engage independent, reputable, and seasoned contractors to restore your home to its pre-damaged condition. This includes:

How We Can Help
Lead and Asbestos Testing

Lead and Asbestos Testing

The initial step is to conduct testing on the property for lead and asbestos. Any home that yields positive results for lead and asbestos must undergo treatment under Procedure 5 in accordance with E.P.A. guidelines. This entails entrusting the handling of the affected materials solely to a licensed abatement company, which will remove them from the home and conduct clearance testing before mitigation can commence.

THC Hygienist Testing

THC Hygienist Testing

A THC Hygienist will evaluate the contamination levels inside the home and provide a detailed outline of the necessary scope of work for mitigation. This serves as a blueprint for the subsequent repair steps for your property.

THC Mitigation

THC Mitigation

Following the inspection report provided by the THC Hygienist, we will engage an independent THC mitigation company to restore your home to its pre-marijuana grow house condition.

During this phase, any irreparable materials will be removed from your home. The THC mitigation team will salvage any recoverable materials, conduct material grinding, decontaminate and deodorize the home, and restore the property to your desired condition. Upon completion of mitigation, third-party clearance testing is necessary. Once clearance is obtained, reconstruction can commence.

Water Damage and Mold Remediation

When your rental property in San Bernardino is utilized for marijuana cultivation, it's highly likely that excessive water was used in inappropriate areas to sustain plant growth.

An independent restoration contractor is tasked with identifying and eliminating mold, identifying sources of moisture and leaks, drying out excess moisture, and eradicating all signs of water damage to prevent further harm to your property.

At times, an environmental contractor may be necessary to take a mold sample. This step is taken when mold is present but there are no apparent water issues. Following mold removal, the mitigation company can proceed with structural material grinding and air decontamination.

Clearance Testing for Air Quality

After the mold assessment and remediation procedures, it's essential to conduct testing to confirm that the air meets health standards. This task is typically carried out by the same environmental firm responsible for lead and asbestos inspections.


Your public adjuster in San Bernardino will coordinate with an independent estimator to assess the site and provide an impartial evaluation of the damages. This step ensures a balanced approach to settling your claim.

Fulfilling your Claim

Once your residence undergoes chemical and air quality assessments, followed by the removal of impaired items and commencement of reconstruction, a public adjuster engages with the insurer to secure claim fulfillment. A formal dossier outlining recommendations, test outcomes, and replacement requirements is then submitted to your insurance provider.

Get Help With Your Vandalism Claim

Why You Should Hire Excel Adjusters for Your Vandalism Insurance Claim

1. We Work For You

You are our primary concern as the policyholder, and we do not represent the insurance company. Our aim is to support you throughout the claims process, ensuring timely submission and advocating for the highest possible settlement on your behalf

2. We Know State Insurance Laws

Navigating claim negotiation laws can be intricate, particularly with the variances across states. With our team in San Bernardino, we possess a deep understanding of your state's laws, ensuring we can optimize your insurance claim and maximize your compensation.

3. We Handle All Communication with the Insurance Company

As your designated public adjuster, we are granted Power of Attorney in your claim, allowing us to manage all correspondence with your insurance provider on your behalf. This alleviates stress for you, as your insurer is obligated by law to communicate with us. This arrangement enables you to concentrate on progressing with your life while we take care of all the administrative tasks and burdensome paperwork for you.

4. You’re Protected

Our commitment extends to ensuring that the insurance company fulfills its obligation to provide timely payments to you once your claim is approved. Additionally, we take proactive measures to protect you from any possible exploitation or disadvantage throughout the claims process, taking into account your limited experience and knowledge in this area.

5. We Ensure There Is No Hidden Damage

It's often the case that damage to your residential or commercial property may go unnoticed by untrained observers. This hidden damage could result in more extensive issues than initially anticipated. By engaging us as your public adjuster, we possess the expertise to enlist qualified inspectors who can thoroughly assess all potential damage, thereby enhancing the scope of your insurance claim.

How Hiring a Public Adjuster Works

Upon reaching out to us for assistance with your vandalism claim, we will:

  • Advocate for a fair, final, and reasonable settlement for the policyholder.
  • Assess the damage to your building.
  • Recommend licensed and impartial vendors for necessary repairs.
  • Review your insurance policy coverages and explain the water damage restoration process.
  • Assist in understanding your compliance responsibilities.
  • Investigate and quantify the extent of the loss.
  • Determine replacement costs and/or depreciation.
  • Compile business equipment claims.
  • Gather supporting data for loss of income claims.
  • Prepare documentation for advance payment requests.
  • Evaluate the presence of microbial contamination, such as mold.
  • Assess total loss claims and review insurance estimates.

Get Help From The Experts With Your Vandalism Claim

At Excel Adjusters, we're here for you. Specializing in residential and commercial property losses resulting from vandalism, water damage, fires, wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and theft, we've successfully managed over 2,000 property claims. Our expert team meticulously evaluates, quantifies, and communicates the full extent of your loss to your insurance provider. We alleviate the complexities and challenges of claims handling, offering support in English, Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese throughout the entire process.

When handling vandalism claims, we collaborate with independent and experienced third parties for every aspect of testing, mitigation, and remediation work to ensure impartiality. For THC mitigation and water and mold remediation, we partner with Restoration Unlimited, a reputable independent contractor.

Navigating your marijuana insurance claim or any vandalism-related claim alone can be intricate. Let us guide you through the process, facilitating communication with your insurance company, so you can address property damages and resume business operations smoothly.

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